Gizmodo : Environment

Space exploration takes tons of planning, technological expertise, and daring. And given the long timescales involved, they often require considerable patience. Many upcoming missions to deep space aren’t happening any time soon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be excited.


Gizmodo : Environment

China’s Zhurong rover appears to still be snoozing since entering into hibernation mode a little less than a year ago. The Chinese robot was supposed to wake up in December but recent images captured by a NASA orbiter reveal that the rover hasn’t moved from its position on the Martian surface for months.


Gizmodo : Environment

With its strange rings and tilt, surprising seasonal variations, and 27 moons, Uranus is the solar system’s weirdo planet. The enigmatic ice giant has a lot to teach us, which is why astronomers are clamoring for a mission to explore the planet up close.


Gizmodo : Environment

The sky is a hazy shade of—er, summer—on Mars, as captured in a new image by NASA’s Perseverance rover.


Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars on February 18, 2020, and has since been spending every Martian sol exploring the western end of Jezero Crater, imaging the Martian surface, and—vitally—collecting rock samples that will be shipped to Earth in the early 2030s.


Gizmodo : Environment

The Mars Sample Return Program is a bold plan to deliver precious samples of Martian soil back to Earth without human intervention.