
In 1665, astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini observed a massive storm raging on Jupiter. It became known as the Great Red Spot, a swirling oval of clouds that’s almost twice as wide as Earth. New research, however, suggests that the red-hued feature spotted by Cassini is not the same storm we see today.


Gizmodo : Environment

It’s that time of the year again—but warmer than average. Hurricane season is upon us and the National Weather Service is expecting “above-normal” hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin, which could portend a difficult six months for coastal states, the Caribbean, and eastern Central America.


Gizmodo : Environment

Things have been heating up for the Sun, as the star approaches peak activity during its 11-year cycle, with giant eruptions bursting regularly from its surface. Luckily for us, this coincides with the Moon passing between the Earth and its host star, offering a captivating view of the solar corona during the upcoming…


Gizmodo : Environment

A striking set of gigantic sunspots, first spotted from Mars and now designated AR3576, is currently facing Earth, capturing the attention of astronomers, space enthusiasts, and concerned space weather forecasters.


Gizmodo : Environment

No, you’re not seeing double. The Sun just flung out two massive flares of radiation from opposite hemispheres at nearly the same exact moment, a sign that our host star is fast approaching a period of peak activity.

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Radio emissions detected about 24,855 miles (40,000 kilometers) above a dark region on the Sun have aurora-like qualities, according to a team of astronomers that studied the emissions.


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National forecasters are keeping an eye on a storm system brewing just off the coast of the Carolinas that is likely to move up to some states in the Northeast this weekend, according to the National Hurricane Center.


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Tropical storm Nigel formed in the Atlantic Ocean late last week and has quickly intensified into a category 1 hurricane. The storm system is not currently a threat to any community as it is far out in the middle of the ocean.


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Almost 200 people are dead and tens of thousands affected in Southern Africa after a tropical cyclone, which at 34 days could be the longest-

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An Arctic cold front is bearing down on the Great Plains and points south, all the way into Central Texas this week.