Gizmodo : Environment

This summer, the United States roasted like never before. People got third-degree burns from simply falling onto hot pavement in Arizona, filling up all the beds in Maricopa County’s burn center.

Gizmodo : Environment

Try walking outside on a midsummer day in New York City. You’re sweating buckets. You can smell garbage rotting by the side of the road. The sunlight and heat seem to reflect from the steaming pavement, which is so hot to the touch it burns your skin.


Gizmodo : Environment

Heat is a silent hazard sitting beneath cities, threatening to shift infrastructure. A study published this week in Communications Engineering, outlines how heat could be changing major cities, but urban areas throughout the U.S. may not be prepared.

Gizmodo : Environment

After a particularly extended stay, the La Niña weather phenomenon that’s persisted for the past three years, contributing to extreme weather worldwide, has finally come to an end.


February 2023 has been especially warm, causing early spring-like conditions throughout the U.S.


Gizmodo : Environment

New research that used machine learning tools to identify climate trends says that a critical global warming threshold could be closer than we think.

Gizmodo : Environment

An Arctic cold front is bearing down on the Great Plains and points south, all the way into Central Texas this week.