Tech Insider
dyson sphere
Scientists still haven't found proof that Dyson spheres exist, but a new study has significantly narrowed the search for these super-advanced alien megastructures.
Tech Insider
An asteroid floats above Earth
Two different "potentially hazardous" asteroids will fly by Earth this week. Both will be rare and spectacular events, but they won't threaten Earth.
Tech Insider
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos dreams of a future where a trillion humans live inside gigantic space stations floating throughout the solar system.
Tech Insider
A black and white portrait of Albert Einstein on the left, and James Webb's deep field image on the right.
Albert Einstein's (left) general theory of relativity has been proven by countless studies of the nearby universe. But in deep space (right) it appears to glitch.
Tech Insider
Aurora are usually contained to the uppermost art of the Northern Hemisphere. But US states as far south as Michigan may be able to see them this Friday.
Tech Insider
hubble ultra deep field faint galaxies
Astronomers are mapping millions of galaxies in our universe to better understand dark energy.