Tech Insider
Headshot of Jonathan Adashek against a dark green background with square graphic elements
IBM employees are using in-house generative AI to produce quicker quality results for clients, says marketing chief Jonathan Adashek.

Name the ultimate puzzler from fiction. If you didn’t say Sherlock Holmes, then I need to read what you’re reading. In many depictions, Holmes seems to care about nothing other than the puzzles his cases pose. Beyond the twisty plots and endearing characters, Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories and the subsequent screen…



The Perseverance rover is at risk of losing its ability to zap Martian rocks with lasers after one of its instruments began malfunctioning last month.



December and January are traditionally lighter months for publishing, but February is ramping things back up again—just in time for picking out a book for your

Tech Insider
Screenshot of New Mexico's
New Mexico is automating a number of processes and integrating AI into its workflows. The state's use of the emerging technologies could point the way to how AI will change workforces across the globe.
Tech Insider
ChatGPT Equbot ETF AI IBM Watson supercomputer
Equbot's chief investment officer expects an increasing number of fund managers to turn to AI in the coming years.
Tech Insider
AI Watson ChatGPT robot language tool
The Watson-powered ETF is beating a total market fund by nearly 100%.