Gizmodo : Environment

On Earth Day, the National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention teamed up to announce a new heat risk system to better communicate the severity of hot weather. The color-coded system added magenta, a fifth-tier of heat severity, beyond red, to communicate extreme heat “rare and/or…


Gizmodo : Environment

This summer, the United States roasted like never before. People got third-degree burns from simply falling onto hot pavement in Arizona, filling up all the beds in Maricopa County’s burn center.

Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is going to expose more of the world to both hotter weather and heavy rainfall. This could create dangerous flood conditions new research has found.

Tech Insider
Kids who live in Death Valley, California, enjoy the playground in the Cow Creek residential area.
Gizmodo : Environment

Alarming heat and humidity killed hundreds of cows in Iowa last month. These losses have further decreased the size of the overall U.S. cattle herd, which has shrunk to a more than 50-year low.

Gizmodo : Environment

The global rise in extreme weather is likely to bring along more fatal heart attacks, new research this week suggests. The study found that exposure to heat waves and cold snaps was associated with higher odds of heart attack deaths. This associated risk was even greater on extreme heat days that also featured high…

Tech Insider : Sports
The Detroit Pistons logo printed on a basketball court
The Pistons were unable to leave Dallas in time to play their game at home against the Washington Wizards.