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Duke Alexander Moore
Duke Alexander Moore quit his job as a forklift driver to start his own firm.
Tech Insider
elon Musk versus steve jobs
In the world of technology and entrepreneurship, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk represent the quintessential hedgehog and fox, respectively.
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A legacy planning advisor says HBO's 'Succession' highlights key mistakes CEOs make in planning for future of their company.
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Don Weber says that when you think someone is being dishonest, try observing them for emotional incongruence.
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Business owner checks his Paydex score.
Whatever you do during an economic downturn, never decrease your marketing spend.
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Architect sitting at desk looking out window - stock photo
As the dead of winter sets in, the mornings are darker, the days are shorter, and you accept that the winter blues have taken their hold.
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Tilting your head is a simple way to show respect and trust.
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office worker reacts negatively to bad news - stock photo
Microaggressions are analogous to "death by a thousand cuts" — repetitive behavior over time harms people, rarely the singular event.