
Google users can now make plans through a new Maps update that will generate events and activities by typing “things to do” into the search bar.

Gizmodo : Politics

The United Nations created a 39-member advisory body to guide the world through governance issues around artificial intelligence, announced United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres Thursday.


“Now behold the rock pile, a splendid collection of stone ensconced within wood boxes,” said Boston Dynamics’ famous Spot robot dog, mustering all the emotional vitality of a beleaguered tour guide eight hours into their shift.


If you’re behind on what’s happening with the robot uprising, have no fear. Here’s a quick look at some of the weirdest and wildest artificial intelligence news from the past week. Also, don’t forget to check out our weekly AI write-up, which will go into more detail on this same topic.


Jon Stewart is best known for pissing the right people off with his nuanced political takes on his Apple TV show The Problem with Jon Stewart, and it appears he’s also pissed off his employer. Stewart’s The Problem has officially been canceled, and the reason why may lie in his view on artificial intelligence, a…


AI is too dumb to regulate now, according to Meta’s head of artificial intelligence research in an interview with the Financial Times.


Convicted Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michél said his former lawyer bungled his trial with a closing argument written by AI.


The marketplace of the internet has turned into a game of Russian roulette as platforms providing everything from household goods to airline tickets are becoming less trustworthy with the rise of fake reviews. Now, the heavy hitters of online commerce are joining forces to put an end to fake reviews.