
McDonald’s is ending a two-year-old partnership with IBM to test AI’s ability to replace drive-thru workers at more than 100 restaurants, according to Restaurant Business. The world’s largest fast-food company is reportedly pulling the technology later in July.

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in n out burger and mcdonalds burger side by side
In-N-Out had a thicker, better double cheeseburger, but McDonald's crispy fries beat the West Coast chain by a long shot.

I’m leaning against a teal lunch counter with the sound of robots whirring behind me, and Steve Ells is telling me about “mise en place.” It’s French culinary lingo for the prep a chef does before cooking, translating to “everything in its place.” But the founder of Chipotle is describing himself, and the decades of…


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A closeup of Grimace, a McDonald's character.
McDonald's made a huge deal out of Grimace's birthday in 2023. This year, he didn't even get a cake.
Tech Insider
cheapest burgers from mcdonalds burger king wendys
Burger King's classic cheeseburger had the most flavorful burger and bun.
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A chicken sandwich, french fries, a Big Mac box, and a soda on a tray.
McDonald's will no longer have the right to call its chicken burgers "Big Macs" in Europe following a court ruling.