
Doctors say they’ve likely cured yet another person of HIV using a specialized form of stem cell transplant. The patient has remained HIV-free for six years and is the first known woman to have successfully undergone the procedure. The doctors used a novel technique that transplanted stem cells from a relative and a…


Gizmodo : Technology

When placed side-by-side, it becomes immediately obvious why an OLED computer screen can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars more than a traditional LCD display: the OLED’s contrast and black levels far outperform it.

Gizmodo : Environment

We may some day be able to produce power from thin air—all thanks to bacteria living in dirt. Microbiologists at Australia’s Monash University have identified an enzyme within a bacteria found in soil that can produce electricity using nothing but hydrogen from the atmosphere.



To most humans, a fruit fly larva doesn’t look like much: a pale, wriggling, rice grain-shaped maggot, just a few millimeters in length.


It’s unfortunately arriving a little too late to woo whoever was your Valentine this year, but next month, you’ll be able to pre-order a 3D printer that swaps melted plastic for melted chocolate, allowing you to


SpinLaunch is a winner of the 2023 Gizmodo Science Fair for seeking to build a groundbreaking centrifugal launch system that can deliver small satellites to orbit cheaper, faster, and with reduced environmental harm.


Gizmodo : Technology

Flying killer robots used to be a nightmarish sci-fi fantasy—something that only existed in James Cameron movies or Michael Crichton novels. These days, not so much.

Gizmodo : Technology

The U.S. military is intensifying its commitment to the development and use of autonomous weapons, as confirmed by an update to a Department of Defense directive. The update, released Jan. 25, 2023, is the first in a decade to focus on artificial intelligence autonomous weapons.

Gizmodo : Technology

How many times has a game of basketball been thwarted by a ball that was too flat to bounce?

Gizmodo : Environment, Technology

A reliable approach to creating a machine that can walk, run, swim, or fly like an animal is to simply copy Mother Nature’s work.