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Dozens of shooting stars fall to Earth against a dark, starry night sky.
The Quadrantids can produce over 100 meteors an hour.
Tech Insider
People watch a Indian Space Research Organisation launch.
People watch an Indian Space Research Organization launch in September 2023.
Tech Insider
the sun
  • NASA's Parker Solar Probe is set to pass the Sun on 24 December 2024.
  • It's due to fly past the sun at 195 km/s, or 435,000 mph.
  • "We are basically almost landing on a star," a scientist on the project said.

NASA's Parker Solar Probe is set to pass the Sun next year in a milestone moment for space exploration.

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image of space with cluster of galaxies and stars everywhere
James Webb Space Telescope's view of Pandora's Cluster.
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SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket ready to launch.
Screenshot of SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket on launch pad. This photo was taken from the SpaceX livestream on X.
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SpaceX launch
The X37-B spaceplane sits aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
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Image of Saturn taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.
You can see Saturn's spokes as dark bruises on the left side of the planet's rings.
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A photo of a Falcon 9 on a landing pad
This 2016 photo shows a SpaceX Falcon 9 on the I Still Love You sea launchpad just off the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Tech Insider
A picture from JWST shows the location of a distant galaxy called UHT-1 and its black hole.
A picture taken by JWST and Chandra X-ray observatory shows the location of a UHZ-1 and its black hole near the beginning of the universe.