
We knew earlier this year that Lucasfilm had cooled off on working with Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige for a Star Wars movie project, in the studio’s latest shake


Few directors seem better suited to a galaxy far, far, away than Guillermo del Toro.


Hasbro launched its “Haslab” crowdfunding campaign platform in early 2018 with a Star Wars project—a 3.75" scaled replica of Jabba’s Sail Barge.


Without Hollywood stars attending San Diego Comic-Con this year, the schedule was full of surprises. One of the biggest though had to be the inclusion of Star Wars Outlaws.


That unmistakable sinister chuckle will fill your brain every time you catch a glimpse of the Hasbro Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Jabba the Hutt set—a worthy tradeoff for having such a well-appointed collectible paying tribute to the corpulent gangster Han