
While the new DC movie universe isn’t coming until 2025 with Superman, there’s still a hope for the old films to live on, either in their own pocket universe o


In a perfect world, Patty Jenkins’ latest film, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, would just about now be wrapping up its box office run.


That only 10 years have passed since the first film in the DC Extended Universe seems absurd.


Ever since The Rise of Skywalker in 2019, Disney has struggled with getting more Star Wars movies off the ground.


We knew earlier this year that Lucasfilm had cooled off on working with Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige for a Star Wars movie project, in the studio’s latest shake


“Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars! Give me those Star Wars! Don’t let them end...” Just as Bill Murray said it in 1978, we’re still saying it today.


James Gunn and Peter Safran are ready to relaunch the DC cinematic universe—helmed by a new, younger version of the Man of Steel, and a new Batman to go alongside Matt Reeves’ take. But for all the newness, at least one current DC start insists they’re sticking around.