
It’s mind-blowing to think Ahsoka is already over. Fans waited years to see how the character’s story would continue and now, a mere eight episodes later, a major piece of that story has come to its end.


Next month, Doctor Who turns 60, and it’s celebrating in style between a trio of new episodes and all sorts of retrospective lookbacks—but one of its most


In the last 11 years since Star Wars’ Expanded Universe faded into “legends” as a new canon for the galaxy far, far away was laid out, many elements big and small from its time as Star Wars’ ancillary text have made their way


“Far, Far Away,” the sixth episode of Ahsoka, took the series, and us, to a whole new galaxy full of potential and new mysteries.


Ahsoka’s fifth episode, “Shadow Warrior,” puts its titular protagonist back into her own past, as she navigated her history at the front line of the Clone War.