
OpenAI’s Superalignment team, charged with controlling the existential danger of a superhuman AI system, has reportedly been disbanded, according to Wired on Friday.


As 2024 begins, there has been plenty of speculation about what lies ahead for artificial intelligence. AI was the hottest industry in the world last year and it will likely continue to be so throughout 2024—and maybe the rest of your godforsaken life. That said, many of the concerns about this startling new…



There’s been a lot of talk about AGI lately—artificial general intelligence—the much-coveted AI development goal that every company in Silicon Valley is currently racing to achieve. AGI refers to a hypothetical point in the future when AI algorithms will be able to do most of the jobs that humans currently do.…


For 55 hours and 32 minutes, Emmett Shear steered the world’s leading artificial intelligence company, OpenAI, through its largest crisis ever. That chapter of Shear’s life and OpenAI’s history has now come to a close.


The latest in a slew of speculative AI research papers is making some pretty outlandish claims about how deep learning models have some subtle, unrealized cognitive abilities akin to, or even surpassing humans. Though researchers found a modern pre-training transformer model does well at multiple-choice tests that…