Tech Insider
How Seamless Omnichannel Payments Drive Sales function checkWidth() { var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (!isMobile && screenWidth < 800) { location.reload(); } } window.addEventListener("resize", che
Tech Insider
image spread headshots of Lauren Johnson, Kristi Argyilan, Glen Conybeare, and Erin Foxworthy
From left: Lauren Johnson, senior advertising reporter at Insider, Kristi Argyilan, senior vice president at Albertsons Media Collective; Glen Conybeare, executive lead of retail media at IPG Media Brands; Erin Foxworthy, industry principal of agencies and advertisers at Snowflake Inc.