
The Star Wars Universe gets turned upside down in Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, a fun what-if style series. When ordinary nerf-herder Sig Greebling (Gaten Matarazzo) unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden Jedi temple, the galaxy as we know completely changes.


Well, Sam Bankman-Fried is headed up the river. Once a powerful crypto power broker, SBF’s glittering Web3 kingdom came crashing down on his head after a multi-billion dollar scandal. It’s a good reminder that not only does Silicon Valley produce a lot of software products, but it also produces a whole lot of…


There’s a slight update on Snow, Kit Harrington’s Jon Snow Game of Thrones spin-off that was being talked about at Max.


The days may be getting shorter, but October’s list of new sci-fi, fantasy, and horror books is as long as ever, with a seasonally appropriate emphasis on “horror.” There are witches,


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced it has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm for a self-flying F-16 fighter jet less than three years after creating the control simulated F-16 jet.