Tech Insider
Headshot of Chris Orzechowski, left, who is wearing a black polo and has his arms folded. On the right is Kenneth Burke who is wearing a a gray suit and glasses.
Chris Orzechowski, left, a marketing consultant who founded 100 Year Brand, and Kenneth Burke, the vice president of marketing for Text Request.
Tech Insider
Headshot of Danish Soomro, right, who is wearing a black long-sleeve shirt with his hands folded. On the left, a photo of Laura Gatsos Young, who is wearing a black turtleneck, sitting on the arm of a green chair.
Danish Soomro, left, the founder of and Devi, and Laura Gatsos Young, a copywriting consultant.
Tech Insider
Krystal Allen, left, wearing a white sleeveless top in front of a bookcase and Vanessa Rissetto, left, wearing a blue blazer and black top.
Krystal Allen, the founder and CEO of K. Allen Consulting, left, and Vanessa Rissetto, the cofounder and CEO of Culina Health.