
Nineteen years ago today, alien denizens of the universe gathered in the Doctor Who revival’s sophomore episode, “The End of the World,” to bid farewell to the planet Earth by mourning her with song: the traditional ballad “Toxic”


Just a little over one month since we were celebrating the Valentine’s Day of Madame Web, Sony’s latest, occasionally greatest, often


Make no mistake. Sony’s latest attempt at a Spider-Man spinoff, Madame Web, is bad.


Madame Web is a two-hour trailer for the movie you think you’re watching, but actually aren’t. If that’s confusing, welcome to the world of Madame Web, where everyone—the characters, the actors, the audience, and everyone in between—is confused about basically everything, all of the time.


Ever since Sony revealed it was working on a solo movie for Madame Web, folks have had questions. Why her?