Tech Insider
Multiple European arms makers are designing next-generation tanks like KNDS' Leclerc Evolution seen at a 2024 defense expo in Paris.
Multiple European arms makers are designing next-generation tanks like KNDS' Leclerc Evolution, seen at a 2024 defense expo in Paris.
Tech Insider
Teenagers walking and holding hands while looking at their phones.
Pamela Druckerman (not pictured) said that French parents tend to be more relaxed about teenagers having sex — as long as they take precautions.
Tech Insider
Bernard Arnault
LVMH is owned by Bernard Arnault, who regularly jostles with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk for the title of the world's richest person.
Tech Insider : Politics

Far-right and center-right parties dominated the European Union parliamentary vote. The rightward shift could have wide-ranging impacts, including blocking new legislation toward climate goals.

Tech Insider : Politics, Politics
President Emmanuel Macron
France's President Emmanuel Macron on June 8, 2024.