Tech Insider
Hand holding postcard with handwritten notes and photo of older person skydiving
Boomers living full and active lives in retirement say the freedom they have is like returning to childhood.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics, Economy
Woman sitting on bench
Americans think they need $1.46 million to retire comfortably, per a Northwestern Mutual survey.
Tech Insider : Economy
The Oakland skyline is seen from this aerial view in Oakland, Calif., on Monday, May 8, 2023.
The Oakland skyline is seen from this aerial view in Oakland, Calif., on Monday, May 8, 2023.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Vivien Arguelles
Vivien Arguelles, 82, made friends after moving to Florida by joining clubs she was passionate about.
Tech Insider : Economy

Baby boomers dominate America's housing market. But as they age out, millions of homes will be up for grabs, and Gen Z is poised to benefit.

Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Two boomers bike riding
Boomers are becoming less likely to sell their homes and move.
Tech Insider
A woman dressed in orange in an ad for Temu
Temu's ad during the Super Bowl. The online shopping app's most loyal customers aren't the young people in this ad: They're older.
Tech Insider
Passengers walk through a passageway at Union Station in Los Angeles
With five generations going to work, friction can arise.