Tech Insider : Economy
Toy versions of Geriatric Millenials, Peak Boomers, and FIRE

Can you spot the difference between an ALICE and a HENRY? Are you too much of a dingus to know your DINKs? Would you ever consider joining the FIRE movement?

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Larry Ellison on a ominous collage background

Larry Ellison's vision for the future of medicine crystallized for him in a doctor's office.

Tech Insider
A man whose face is swirling into a black hole. There's a car and a plane in the background and money flying everywhere.
Since its founding in 2020, WiFi Money has left a trail of lawsuits alleging fraud, bankruptcies, mental breakdowns, and financial devastation.
Tech Insider : Economy
Hot under the blue-collar.
Across America, it's getting hot under the blue collar.
Tech Insider
A man standing in the shadow of a giant chess piece

There is a singular misery to trying your very best, after months of training, only to be crushed by a 6-year-old.

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Jan Sramek standing in wide field of grass with powerlines in the and a wooden shed in the back
Jan Sramek believes the solution to the housing crisis facing Silicon Valley is to build a new city from scratch  — and that he's the guy to get it done.
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