Tech Insider
Illustration of a knife cutting a line of workers
The harshness of recent layoffs suggests that any managerial empathy workers gained during the depths of the pandemic was short-lived.
Tech Insider : Technology
Hanna Matyiku-Nuñez feeding baby with bottle.
In 2021, Hanna Matyiku-Nuñez was laid off from her job at a tech startup while on maternity leave.
Tech Insider
Russian navy warships in Baltiysk Kaliningrad
Russian warships at anchor before a Navy Day parade in Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region in July 2022.
Tech Insider
Gameplay of a character moving along a level
Turning your habits into a game can help motivate you, but it also comes with some downsides.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Man holding onto a dollar-sign shaped pendulum for dear life as it swings quickly back and forth
Just as previous generations' view of the world was defined by cataclysmic events, experts say that the financial scars of the pandemic era will stick with Gen Z and millennials.
Tech Insider
A "work spouse" is really just another name for a "work best friend."