Tech Insider : Politics
A goat in between a fork and knife
A 9-year-old girl tried to save her goat from the slaughterhouse. What happened next might change the way you think about meat.

Cedar the goat was sold at auction, destined for the dinner table. But his owner, a 9-year-old girl, loved him too much for that. She decided, instead, to save him.

Tech Insider
Ahmed Sourani is founder and general coordinator of Gaza Urban and Periurban Agriculture Platform.
Ahmed Sourani, founder and general coordinator of Gaza Urban and Periurban Agriculture Platform.
Tech Insider
Two people walking on a large soil field
Schiff Farms Inc. in Delaware is the recipient of NUTRO's 2023 inaugural Soil Growth Grant in the amount of $150,000.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Javier Milei and Sergio Massa are set to square off in a run-off vote to elect Argentina's next president on November 19.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider : Economy
big Tyson truck with company logo and photo of chicken on white plate with corn and green beans
A Tyson Foods truck parked at a food warehouse in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Owner of farm in orange orchard.
Dale Murden on his farm in Texas.

This article is part of Insider's "The True Cost of Extreme Weather" project. Read more here.

Tech Insider : Economy, Environment
A woman serves food at a San Francisco restaurant
Shuggie's, a San Francisco restaurant, uses food that would otherwise go to waste to create meals.