Tech Insider : Economy
Three women shopping.
Videos featuring huge collections of products are being called out on TikTok for encouraging overconsumption.
Gizmodo : Environment

California is suing some of the largest oil and gas companies in the world for years of climate science denialism while worsening extreme weather related to the climate crisis.


Gizmodo : Economy

Calling all asset managers, mid-tier bank employees, and financial sustainability advocates: You’re in league with the Devil, according to Utah’s State Treasurer.


Gizmodo : Environment

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested Wednesday with dozens of other activists during a protest in front of several Norwegian government ministry buildings, demanding that the government shut down a wind farm.


Gizmodo : Environment

Several grassroots groups opposed to solar projects in local areas may have one thing in common: a Virginia-based group with powerful GOP connections advising them on strategy.