a photo of Marc Benioff
Marc Benioff shared his rest and relaxation routine, which includes 8 hours of sleep and daily meditation, in a 2023 interview.
  • Marc Benioff is big on rest and relaxation.
  • The Salesforce CEO spoke about his daily routine in a 2023 interview with GQ.
  • Benioff says he makes time to sleep eight hours a night and meditate for up to an hour a day.

Some CEOs proudly profess to only sleep a few hours a night. Then there's Marc Benioff.

Benioff, the billionaire CEO of Salesforce, recently shared some details about his routine in an interview with GQ. He spoke about his sleep schedule and how he uses meditation to get into a more zen headspace.

Benioff said that he averages about eight hours of sleep a night.