Tech Insider

This week has felt like a month. Senior reporter Phil Rosen here. 

It's Friday and the coffee's just brewed — let's get straight to the news. 

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Tech Insider

Good morning, readers. I'm Phil Rosen, reporting from New York City. 

The bank turmoil we saw in March feels like some time ago, but top strategists are warning that more consequences are still ahead. 

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Tech Insider : Politics

Good morning, market watchers. I'm senior editor, Max Adams, standing in for Phil Rosen today. 

Tech Insider

Good morning to everyone, especially to basketball fans on the east coast. I'm Phil Rosen — it's hard to keep up with the NBA playoffs here in New York with games running past midnight every night this week. 

For readers who, like myself, sit in the center of the Venn diagram between sports fandom and financial news, here's Insider's handy guide on how to stream every NBA game online

Tech Insider

Good morning. I'm Phil Rosen. Today's newsletter may not include a job offer, but it will give you a better grasp of what to look for in this still-hot labor market.

I'm excited to share this week's conversation with one of the leading experts on jobs and hiring trends.

Tech Insider

Happy Friday, team. I'm Phil Rosen. This week we've seen a storm of economic data in the US. 

The alphabet soup of readings — CPI, PPI, and jobless claims — all point to cooling inflation and a softening labor market. 

In theory, that's good news for the Fed, because it suggests its policy is working. 

Tech Insider

Hey readers. I'm Phil Rosen, writing to you from midtown Manhattan, where I've attended a handful of events the last two days for NFT NYC. Across cocktail parties and dance floors, everyone here is bullish on tiny digital images that range from apes to stick-figure drawings.

Tech Insider

Well, well, well if it isn't another CPI day. Phil Rosen here — March's inflation report is due at 8:30 a.m. ET today.

Here's how FactSet data predicts things to shake out: 

Tech Insider

Hey readers. Phil Rosen here. As you might guess about a writer, I love to read. 

I've collected hundreds of books over the years, and stacks of paperbacks line the walls of my room. But the most useful knowledge I've learned comes from a very small fraction of those books. 

This is the Pareto principle, more popularly known as the 80-20 rule: Roughly 80% of impact comes from 20% of the causes. 

Tech Insider

Good morning. I'm Phil Rosen — still recovering from last night's Succession episode. I'm actually writing to you not far from where HBO films many of the scenes in downtown Manhattan (fingers crossed I show up as an extra this season). 

Speaking of jobs — Friday was a key day for labor-market data. Today we're taking a closer look.