Tech Insider
Two reserachers, Lyle B. Hansen and Chester Langway, lean over a grey-brown piece of core with engrossed looks on their faces. The man on the left is pointing with a gloved hand to something on the core we can't see, he appears to be saying something.
Lyle B. Hansen and Chester Langway inspecting the sub-ice core from the Project Iceworm drilling.
Tech Insider
1024px Task_Force_Smith
Task Force Smith arrives in South Korea to begin the Korean war in 1950.
Tech Insider : Politics
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin in Saint Petersburg on October 9, 2022.
Tech Insider
A picture from nuclear tests, codenamed Stokes, involving airships in 1957 during Operation Plumbbob.
A picture from nuclear tests, codenamed Stokes, involving airships in 1957 during Operation Plumbbob.