Tech Insider
Sad emoji face with bubble speech with problems
"There are lots of growing pains when you take a new job," Elizabeth Pearson, a career coach, said.
Tech Insider
Nistha Dube is a Gen Z content creator. She took a gamble when she used her TikTok account in lieu of a résumé to apply for a job, but it ultimately paid off.
Nistha Dube is a Gen Z content creator. She took a gamble when she used her TikTok account in lieu of a résumé to apply for a job, but it ultimately paid off.
Tech Insider : Economy
ghost job applicant
"Ghost jobs" are roles that employers appear to be actively hiring for, though they're actually not.
Engadget : Business, Arts & Entertainment

LinkedIn is the latest platform to hop on the generative AI bandwagon. The company is adding AI-powered “writing suggestions” and job descriptions to its service as it looks for new ways to infuse AI into its platform.

The writing suggestions are meant to make it easier to fill out key profile fields that LinkedIn says can otherwise feel “daunting” to complete: the “about” and “headline” sections near the top of each profile. Now, with the new “enhance” tool, LinkedIn Premium subscribers can generate descriptions based on their experience.


If you love technology as much as we do and have writing chops to boot, we want to hear from you. Engadget is looking for freelance news writers in the US! Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume and links to three writing samples to jobs at engadget dot com. Here’s the deal: