Tech Insider : Economy
Amid the rising tide of the ocean's waves are floating ephemera of environmental marketing: A large orange billboard that says
Campaigns to help the environment aren't working. We need better messaging.
Tech Insider
Man free diving with false killer whales, Revillagigedo Islands, Socorro, Baja California, Mexico.
A man free diving with false killer whales, Revillagigedo Islands, Socorro, Baja California, Mexico.
Tech Insider
Whales following a fishing trawler to catch escaped fish.
Whales follow behind the fishing vessel to catch fish that have escaped the fishermen's nets.
Tech Insider
Reconstruction of Perucetus colossus in its coastal habitat, a manatee-like ancient whale with a tiny head and small limbs
Since its skull and limbs were missing, much about Perucetus colossus remains a mystery.
Tech Insider
A humpback whale breaches off in the coast of Ilhabela, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil July 22, 2023.
A humpback whale breaching off in the coast of Ilhabela, an archipelago in South-East Brazil, at the end of July.
Tech Insider
whales stranding
A view of dead whales after a mass stranding in North Tolsta, Isle of Lewis on July 16, 2023.
Tech Insider
Beached humpback whale lies on beach alongside excavator
The remains of a male humpback whale lies on Lido Beach in New York in January 2023.
Tech Insider
Two adult killer whales breach the water. One is rubbing against the other.
Two Southern Resident killer whales.