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two adult giraffes walking with one smaller baby giraffe on a grassy plain
A new study questions the decades-long theory about why giraffes have such long necks.
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Orangutan with a wound under its left eye
Rakus, a Sumatran orangutan living in Indonesia, chewed medicinal leaves and applied them to his own facial wound to speed healing.
Tech Insider
A diagram represents the human pelvis. The coccyx is highlighted in red.
A human pelvis contains a coccyx, the remnants of an ancestral tail.
Tech Insider
A side-by-side image of Georges Cuvier and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck both from the early 19th century
Georges Cuvier (left) and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck fundamentally disagreed on whether or not species can change over time.
Tech Insider
A photograph of an exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History showing a reconstructed model of a Sicilian dwarf elephant and its baby.
An adult Sicilian dwarf elephant was about the size of Shetland pony. Its baby was more akin to a dog.
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A person holding a five-pointed starfish.
Genetics suggests sea stars have a head in each limb. Does that mean they have multiple brains, too?