Tech Insider : Sports, Sports
The Kansas City Chiefs/Miami Dolphins
The Kansas City Chiefs/Miami Dolphins playoff game looks like it was a huge hit for Peacock and Comcast, the streaming service's owner.
Tech Insider : Economy, Sports, Sports
Las Vegas Raiders fans outside Allegiant Stadium
Las Vegas Raiders fans outside Allegiant Stadium.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Sports
Chiefs Dolphins
NFL fans tuned in in high numbers for Peacock's streaming-exclusive playoff game.
Tech Insider : Sports
Taylor Swift gives fans a high-five during the NFL playoff matchup between the Chiefs and Dolphins.
Taylor Swift gives fans a high-five during the NFL playoff matchup between the Chiefs and Dolphins. Around 23 million to 26 million people watched the game on Peacock.
Tech Insider : Sports, Sports
The Kansas City Chiefs/Miami Dolphins
The Kansas City Chiefs played the Miami Dolphins on Saturday.
Tech Insider : Sports
Kansas City Chiefs vs. the Miami Dolphins in November 2023
The Kansas City Chiefs are playing the Miami Dolphins in an NFL playoff game Saturday. But you'll only be able to watch it if you pay for Peacock.
Tech Insider : Politics, Sports
Pat Ryan and Roger Goodell
Rep. Pat Ryan, a New York Democrat, is lashing out at NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for the league's decision to essentially paywall a playoff game.

Elon Musk is trying his hand as a TV network executive, and he’s slated three shows with controversial hosts to lead X’s new venture into streaming.