
While the new DC movie universe isn’t coming until 2025 with Superman, there’s still a hope for the old films to live on, either in their own pocket universe o


The arrival of Steamboat Willie—and with it, the first steps of Mickey Mouse himself—into the public domain at the start of 2024 has been a milestone that, in just under three weeks, already seen a bevy of


It’s the final week of 2023, but the news hasn’t stopped quite yet. As the year wound down, the io9 crew found time to look back on the year’s events, say goodbye (and possibly hello?) to some old friends, and return to some haunts we left behind. Check them out here!—James Whitbrook



Sometimes, you need a little comfort food—and at io9, that can mean “re-watching a favorite Star Wars show” or “guzzling midnight margaritas while watching Sandra Bul


That only 10 years have passed since the first film in the DC Extended Universe seems absurd.


“How do you sell a superhero comic these days?” is a question a lot of publishers and comics retailers are grappling with, but apparently at least in some very specific cases, the answer is “have James Gunn tweet about it.”


After recent repeated statements from Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot that new DC film head honchos James Gunn and Peter Safran are working with her to develop the in-limbo Wonder Woman 3, a new report suggests that actually... nothing of the sort is happening.


James Gunn and Peter Safran are ready to relaunch the DC cinematic universe—helmed by a new, younger version of the Man of Steel, and a new Batman to go alongside Matt Reeves’ take. But for all the newness, at least one current DC start insists they’re sticking around.