Tech Insider : Sports
Couple posing in Argentina gear at Miami stadium during Copa America final
Andrea Persson went to see the final match with her husband and described the chaotic scenes trying to enter the stadium.
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ronni benson with her arms in the air, smiling, in an open field
The author married in college to save money; now she's happily divorced.
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Isabella Ambrosio with her mother sitting outside on a deck when she was a toddler. Her mother is wearing sunglasses and smiling.
Isabella Ambrosio's mother died just before she turned 8, but she grew up to be just like her.
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Andrea Javor wearing glasses, a white t-shirt, and jeans sitting on the ground and smiling on the camera while leaning on a bed.
Andrea Javor started doing insulin shots in public.
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a person sitting on the floor surrounded by moving boxes
The author, not pictured, is starting over after their divorce.
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Rachel Krantz wearing a blue top standing in front of a colorful wall.
Rachel Krantz is the author of the memoir "Open: One Woman's Journey Through Love and Polyamory."
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George Vukasin Jr posing in front of his family-owned company
George Vukasin Jr. doesn't know if he wants his kids to follow the family tradition of managing the family business.