Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Man holding onto a dollar-sign shaped pendulum for dear life as it swings quickly back and forth
Just as previous generations' view of the world was defined by cataclysmic events, experts say that the financial scars of the pandemic era will stick with Gen Z and millennials.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider
Woman shopping at a small business
Side hustles are a great way to fulfill a passion or make some extra cash.
Tech Insider
Los Angeles Angels starting pitcher Shohei Ohtani
Los Angeles Angels pitcher Shohei Ohtani, center, became the first player to be penalized as both a pitcher and batter by MLB's new pitch clock.
Tech Insider : Economy
Houses being hooarded by boomers illustration
Sorry millennials, baby boomers are back on top of the generational housing heap.

Millennials are desperate to buy a home — but cash-flush boomers are standing in their way

Tech Insider
Anna Seirian sitting on her coach
Anna Seirian tried out different productivity hacks to help her focus on her business.
Tech Insider
  • POS infrastructure providers are scrambling to align their offerings
  • mPOS providers are trying to balance demands from upmarket sellers and micromerchants
  • Payment gateways must double down on omnichannel to woo customers

As the landscape of market leaders shifts, we forecast that the US point-of-sale (POS) terminal installed base will grow from 17.3 million this year to 20.2 million in 2026, largely due to providers upgrading technology. 

Tech Insider
Illustration of speech bubbles protruding from smartphones.
Illustration of speech bubbles protruding from smartphones.
Tech Insider
  • While most retail sales still occur in-store, digital is driving innovation as ecommerce grows.
  • Domestic P2P and digital remittance providers will diversify to lure users and monetize solutions.
  • Digitization is dominating B2B and disbursement innovation.

Ongoing ecommerce growth is pushing payment providers to make efficient and inexpensive digital payment solutions their top priority despite the ever-changing post-pandemic landscape.