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Job seekers at a job fair are standing in a line
Software isn't necessarily the reason your résumé got rejected.
Tech Insider
Illustration of a person confused by a job search
Not every job listing you see is real, but you might still find work if you apply.
Tech Insider : Economy
Gen Z and their parent in job interview.
Some Gen Zers are bringing their parents to interviews (stock image.)
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A student shakes hands at a job fair
Making your résumé easy to scan can help recruiters get to the key ideas quickly.
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overemployed workers
A review of high-paying remote jobs found data scientist roles were among the most lucrative.
Tech Insider : Technology
Colleagues talking in office work space

By Allison McLellan, Indeed senior content writer, employer content marketing

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Man lost in a sea of social media likes
Using LinkedIn's collaborative articles can be a great way to stand out on the platform.
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Business people sitting on Robot
People who know how to use artificial intelligence could get a leg up in the job hunt.