
Looking for some limited-edition or even one-of-a-kind animation art to hang on the wall?


In one of those rare cases where the rumor mills are actually accurate, director Taika Waititi confirmed that if Marvel Studios decides to make a fifth Thor movie, he won’t be involved.

Gizmodo : Sports

If you have an anime fan on your holiday gift list—or even someone you think might want to get into anime—


In 2016, Adult Swim aired Scavengers, an eight-minute animated short about a pair of human survivors on a hostile alien world.


Nocturne, the new successor series to Netflix’s excellent animated Castlevania adaptations, plays with its legacy in some truly smart ways—both as a successor show metatextually, and narratively as its heroes navigate being part of a generational supernatural conflict.


Gareth Edwards’ new film, The Creator, is filled with nods and winks to all of your favorite sci-fi movies: Star Wars, 2001, Alie


Over the years, Seth Rogen’s made a name for himself in adapting (and sometimes providing his acting talents to) lesser known comics or properties like Invincible and The Boys.


Everyone has a piece of media that forever changed their relationship with a genre, creator, or entire medium. It’s especially true for animation, particularly when taking anime into account. For kids who grew up in the 90s, there were particular works that turned them into diehard fans of the medium: think Ghost in


Toho’s next Godzilla movie isn’t setting up a new kaiju universe. Even more John Wick 4 posters tease its massive, lethal cast. The Flash’s final season is bringing back two more familiar speedsters. Plus, what’s coming on Kung Fu. Spoilers now!