Tech Insider
Sundar Pichai speaking at Stanford event
Google CEO Sundar Pichai, whose company is racing to figure out AI.
Tech Insider
An image of a Google search page
Did SEO practitioners ruin the internet? A story in The Verge has some SEO'ers up in arms after a spicy headline suggested they might be responsible for an increasingly poor Google Search experience.
Tech Insider
Illustration of Twitter logo with a phone and Elon Musk's Twitter profile open
Twitter employees have posted 180 reviews on Blind since Elon Musk took over
Tech Insider

Hey there, buds. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I'll be writing to you from San Diego for the foreseeable future. Big thanks to my editor Matt Weinberger and my teammate Paayal Zaveri for filling in while I wrapped up my cross-county move.