
Nowhere in Star Wars will old Han Solo meet young Han Solo. Yoda is not likely to ever meet Grogu. Princess Leia won’t cross paths with General Leia. Some things are just not going to happen. Unless, well, it’s Lego, where any and everything is possible.


Star Wars has a long history in the realm of card games, and its latest foray, Unlimited, marks the first time in a while that the franchise has delved into a pure collectible card game system. But one other thing that makes it stand out: its unique, artful take on every era of Star Wars media.


A few years ago Star Wars fans got to see the story of Han Solo and Leia Organa’s wedding—in the current canon, at least—unfold in the pages of Beth Revis’ The Pri


In current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands.


Everything in Star Wars in its 47-year lifetime has revolved arond the Galactic Empire.


Grand Admiral Thrawn’s return at the climax of Ahsoka heralds the beginning of a Star Wars story long in the making—whatever Dave Filoni has planned in adapting


In Star Wars’ current canon, we stand on the precipice of a return years in the making: at the end of Ahsoka’s first season, Grand Admiral Thrawn had made his way back from a


In the last 11 years since Star Wars’ Expanded Universe faded into “legends” as a new canon for the galaxy far, far away was laid out, many elements big and small from its time as Star Wars’ ancillary text have made their way


In this week’s episode of Ahsoka, the New Republic brings to bear its frustrating head, as Mon Mothma and a cadre of senators bullishly cast aside the fact they’re sitting on a tinderbox of Imperial resurgence as the threat of


Hasbro launched its “Haslab” crowdfunding campaign platform in early 2018 with a Star Wars project—a 3.75" scaled replica of Jabba’s Sail Barge.