Tech Insider : Economy
Customer service rep
Young workers are increasingly considering customer service as the perfect "lazy girl job."
Tech Insider : Travel, Economy, Travel
3d illustration of a laptop with pool items on top.
People are going on trips without telling their bosses, and it's a sign of how messed up the American workplace culture can be.
Tech Insider : Economy
Woman standing in front of a moving train
A cohort of young people would rather wait things out and be "idle" until they find the right job.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Christopher Stroup
Christopher Stroup says his six figure income hasn't made him feel "rich" because he's struggling to meet his savings goals related to buying a home and starting a family.
Tech Insider : Travel, Economy, Travel
Photo illustration of a white glove holding up a vacation tray.
Travel agents are pitching overwhelmed millennials and Gen Zers a stress-free vacation.
Tech Insider
A calendar with times blocked out in the shape of an X.
Experts in hiring and the future of work say Gen Zers are more likely to advocate for work-life balance.